best 6 directions API

Best 6 Directions APIs

The Directions API is an essential part of navigating and location-based services. These APIs make it easier to plan routes, get traffic information, and find your way on various transportation types. 

In this article I am going to list out some of the best Directions APIs out there, focusing on their main features, how they can be used, and how they can be integrated. The goal is to help companies and developers choose the best API for their needs.

Factors to consider when Choosing a Directions API

When choosing a Directions API, several factors must be considered to ensure it meets your specific needs.

Factor 1: Accuracy and Coverage

Ensure the API covers the regions you need and verify the precision of routing and location data.

Factor 2: Supported Transportation Modes

Check if the API supports all necessary transportation modes, including driving, walking, bicycling, and public transit.

Factor 3: Traffic Data

Assess if the API provides real-time traffic information and incident reports. Determine if historical traffic data is available for better route planning.

Factor 4: Customization and Flexibility

Evaluate the options for customizing routes, such as avoiding tolls or highways. Check if the API allows multiple waypoints in a single route.

Factor 5: Performance and Scalability

Measure the API’s response time under various conditions and consider if it can handle high volumes of requests as your application grows.

Considering these factors will help you choose a Directions API that aligns with your technical requirements and business goals.

What is the Best Directions API?

The best Directions API is:


2. Google Map

3. Mapbox

4. Graphhopper

5. Bing Map


1. Directions API

NextBillion is a leading provider of advanced geospatial solutions, offering APIs designed to optimize route planning and navigation. Their Directions API is a powerful tool that enables users to compute routes between two locations, considering various factors like traffic conditions, driving modes, and specific vehicle dimensions.’s Directions API comes in two versions, Fast and Flexible, catering to different business needs.


Real-Time Optimal Routing

The Directions Fast API from excels in calculating the most optimal route in real-time, factoring in current traffic conditions to avoid delays and ensure timely arrivals. Users can choose between car and truck driving modes, with the API adapting the route based on the selected mode and considering road restrictions applicable to different vehicle types.

Additionally, the API allows the inclusion of waypoints, or coordinates, along the route. This feature helps in customizing the journey path to include specific stops or landmarks, enhancing route flexibility.

Advanced Trip Planning

The Flexible API offers advanced trip planning capabilities, starting with the option to set a specific departure time. This feature calculates the best routes and estimated times of arrival (ETAs) based on typical traffic conditions at the chosen time, enabling users to plan trips more efficiently.

For truck-specific routing, the Flexible API allows users to input custom truck dimensions and weight, ensuring the route is suitable for the specific truck being used and considering road restrictions and legal limitations.

Furthermore, the API supports time-based routing, helping businesses plan deliveries and trips more effectively by choosing the fastest or shortest routes depending on the time of day.

Customizable Road Data’s Road Editor API allows users to manipulate and update road network data, ensuring the Directions API response is tailored to the most current and relevant road information. Users can set parameters to avoid specific road types or conditions, such as tolls, ferries, highways, and sharp turns.

This customization helps in planning safer and more cost-effective routes. Additionally, the API can return detailed route information, including geometry, segment-wise speed limits, and step-by-step directions, which is particularly useful for applications requiring precise navigation data.


Nextbillion pricing offers flexible pricing plans to suit different business needs. Here’s a quick rundown:

Starter Plan

Perfect for small operations.

Get essential APIs and support for cars only. Includes email support and community resources.

What you get:

    • Directions & Distance Matrix

    • Route Optimization Fast

    • Live Tracking API & SDK

    • Geofencing

Premium Plan

Great for growing businesses.

Includes everything in the Starter Plan plus support for trucks and motorcycles and premium support.


What you get:

  • Route Optimization Flexible

  • Truck Routing & Navigation

  • Navigation API & SDK

  • Isochrones & Clustering

Enterprise Plan

Ideal for large-scale enterprises.

Includes everything in the Premium Plan plus support for all vehicle types, dedicated solutions engineer, and white glove onboarding support.

What you get:

  • AI-powered ETAs

  • Road Editor

  • Custom Map data

  • Custom Vehicle profiles

To find the best plan for your business, chat with’s specialists and request a quote.

Pros and Cons

✅Comprehensive Routing Options
: The ability to choose between Fast and Flexible versions allows businesses to select the most appropriate routing solution based on their specific needs.

✅Traffic and Time Consideration: Real-time traffic updates and time-based routing enhance the accuracy and reliability of ETAs.

✅Customization: Extensive customization options, including driving modes, waypoints, and avoidance settings, make the API highly adaptable to various use cases.

❌Complexity for Beginners: The extensive range of features and customization options might be overwhelming for users new to geospatial APIs.

❌Region Limitations: Some features, such as customized truck profiles and cross-border routing, may not be available in all regions without contacting support.

❌Rate Limits: While the API offers a generous rate limit, high-demand applications might still need to manage their usage carefully to avoid hitting the limit.

2. Google Map Directions API

google maps directions API

The Google Maps Directions API is a robust service that provides JSON or XML-formatted directions between locations through HTTP requests. It supports various modes of transportation, including transit, driving, walking, and bicycling, making it a versatile tool for both personal and business applications.


Multi-Modal Transportation

The API provides directions for several modes of transportation, ensuring users can plan their routes whether they are driving, walking, biking, or using public transit.

Customizable Routes

Users can input waypoints to create multipart directions. Origins, destinations, and waypoints can be specified as text strings, place IDs, or latitude/longitude coordinates.

Efficient Routing

The API calculates the most efficient routes based on travel time, distance, and the number of turns, prioritizing quick and straightforward journeys.

Usage Flexibility

Supports multiple ways of specifying locations and offers detailed route customization, making it adaptable to various user needs.


The Directions API operates on a pay-as-you-go model with two distinct SKUs: Directions and Directions Advanced.

Directions SKU


  • 0-100,000 queries: $0.005 per query

  • 100,001-500,000 queries: $0.004 per query

  • 500,001+ queries: Contact Sales for volume pricing

Directions Advanced SKU


  • 0-100,000 queries: $0.01 per query

  • 100,001-500,000 queries: $0.008 per query

  • 500,001+ queries: Contact Sales for volume pricing

  • Advanced features like traffic information, more than 10 waypoints, waypoint optimization, and location modifiers trigger the Directions Advanced SKU.

Pros and Cons

✅Versatile Transportation Modes:
Supports driving, walking, biking, and transit directions.

✅Customizable: Allows detailed route planning with waypoints and various specification methods.

✅Efficient Routing: Optimizes routes based on travel time, distance, and turns.

❌Complex Pricing: Differentiates between basic and advanced queries, which may complicate cost estimation.

❌Usage Limits: Maximum of 25 waypoints per request and 3,000 requests per minute.

❌Billing Requirement: Requires enabled billing and API key or OAuth token for usage.

3. Mapbox Directions API

The Mapbox Directions API is designed to help users find the best routes for driving, walking, and cycling. It leverages traffic and incident data to optimize routes and offers turn-by-turn instructions. Additionally, it supports electric vehicle routing with optimal charging stops and battery prediction, making it a versatile tool for various navigation needs.


Optimal Routing

The Directions API calculates the most efficient routes for driving, walking, and cycling, considering real-time traffic and incidents.

Turn-by-Turn Instructions

Users receive detailed turn-by-turn directions to ensure a smooth navigation experience.

Waypoint Support

Routes can incorporate up to 25 waypoints for driving, driving traffic, walking, and cycling profiles. For electric vehicle routing, up to 12 waypoints can be specified.

Electric Vehicle Routing

Specialized routing for electric vehicles includes optimal charging stops and battery prediction to ensure the vehicle can reach its destination efficiently.


The Mapbox Directions API follows a tiered pricing model based on the number of requests per month:

Monthly Requests:

  • Up to 100,000: Free

  • 100,001 – 500,000: $2.00 per 1,000 requests

  • 500,001 – 1,000,000: $1.60 per 1,000 requests

  • 1,000,001 – 5,000,000: $1.20 per 1,000 requests

Pros and Cons

✅Comprehensive Routing Options:
Supports multiple transportation modes, including electric vehicles.

✅Free Tier: Up to 100,000 requests per month at no cost.

✅Waypoint Flexibility: Allows for up to 25 waypoints on most profiles.

❌Rate Limits: Maximum of 300 requests per minute, which might be limiting for high-traffic applications.

❌Distance Restrictions: Limits on the total distance between waypoints, especially for walking routes.

❌Inter-Continental and Water Routes: Not supported, limiting some use cases.

4. Graphhopper Directions API

GraphHopper is a versatile routing API provider that enables developers to create their own branded applications with advanced route planning, navigation, and traffic-aware optimization features.

While GraphHopper does not offer its own end-user application, it leverages OpenStreetMap data for global coverage and high-quality location information, making it a reliable choice for diverse routing needs.


Vehicle Routing Profiles

GraphHopper supports a wide range of vehicle types, from scooters to trucks, with customizable routing profiles that cater to different needs and preferences.

Multiple Objective Functions

The platform allows for multiple objective functions, enabling users to optimize routes based on various criteria such as distance, time, or cost.

Global Data Coverage

Using OpenStreetMap data, GraphHopper offers extensive global coverage, ensuring accurate and reliable routing information across different geographical regions.


GraphHopper uses a credit-based system to measure API usage. The cost of each API call depends on the API used and the parameters of the request. Here are the main pricing tiers:

Free Tier

  • Credits: 500 credits per day

  • Locations: Up to 5 locations per request

  • Vehicles: One vehicle per request

  • Usage: Non-commercial use only

Basic Plan

  • Cost: $56 per month

  • Credits: 5,000 credits per day

  • Locations: Up to 30 locations per request

  • Vehicles: Up to 2 vehicles per request

Standard Plan


  • Cost: $160 per month

  • Credits: 10,000 credits per day

  • Locations: Up to 50 locations per request

  • Vehicles: Up to 10 vehicles per request

Premium Plan

  • Cost: $384 per month

  • Credits: 50,000 credits per day

  • Locations: Up to 200 locations per request

  • Vehicles: Up to 20 vehicles per request

Custom Plan

For larger-scale requirements, GraphHopper offers a Custom plan. Additionally, users can receive a 20% discount on pricing if they explicitly state that their application is powered by GraphHopper.

Pros and Cons

Global Data Coverage: Offers extensive global coverage using high-quality OpenStreetMap data, making it suitable for various geographical regions.

Versatile Vehicle Routing: Supports a wide range of vehicle types with customizable routing profiles and multiple objective functions.

Detailed Road Data: Includes comprehensive data on elevation, road class, and surface type, enhancing route accuracy and suitability for different use cases.

❌Complex Reverse Geocoding:  The reverse geocoding feature can be complex and not as user-friendly as it could be.

❌Limited Free Tier for Commercial Use: The free tier is only available for non-commercial use, limiting its utility for businesses looking to test the platform.

❌Credit-Based Pricing: The credit system for API usage can be complex and may lead to unpredictable costs depending on specific requirements and usage patterns

5. MapQuest Directions API

MapQuest, leveraging OpenStreetMap data, provides a robust Directions API that supports various routing needs. This service is designed to help users find optimal routes for different modes of transportation and includes features like turn-by-turn navigation and real-time traffic updates. 

With up to 15,000 free transactions per month, MapQuest is an accessible choice for many users looking to integrate routing capabilities into their applications.


Multi-Modal Routing

MapQuest’s Directions API supports routing for various transportation modes, including pedestrian, bicycle, and multi-modal options.

Fastest and Shortest Routes

Users can calculate both the fastest and shortest routes, allowing for flexibility based on their preferences or requirements.

Route Matrix

The Route Matrix function enables users to see times and distances between multiple locations, useful for planning trips or deliveries


MapQuest offers a range of pricing plans to cater to different usage needs:

Free Plan

  • Transactions: Up to 15,000 per month

  • Cost: Free

Plus Plan

  • Transactions: 30,000 per month

  • Cost: $119 per month

Business Plan

  • Transactions: 200,000 per month

  • Cost: $499 per month

Business + ERG Plan

  • Transactions: 200,000 per month

  • Cost: $599 per month

  • Feature: Use and store geocoding results without map display

Pros and Cons

✅Versatile Routing Options:
Supports multiple transportation modes and offers various routing options, including fastest, shortest, and optimized routes.

✅Detailed Navigation: Provides turn-by-turn navigation and real-time traffic updates.

✅Affordable Free Tier: Offers up to 15,000 free transactions per month, making it accessible for small-scale or initial use.

❌Cost for High Usage: The cost can become significant for higher usage plans, especially for businesses with large-scale routing needs.

❌Complex Pricing Tiers: The multiple pricing tiers and additional features like ERG (Enterprise Geocoding) can be complex to navigate for some users.

❌Geocoding Storage Limitation: Higher-tier plans are required to store geocoding results without map display, which may not be necessary for all users.

6. ESRI Directions API

esri directions api

Esri an international supplier of Geographic Information System (GIS) software and databases since 1969, offers robust mapping solutions through its ArcGIS API for JavaScript. This API enables users to integrate detailed routing and navigation services into their applications.

By registering for a developer account on Esri’s Directions and Routing Service website, users can access a free development and testing subscription, along with 50 credits per month for production use.


Diverse Routing Options

Esri’s API supports routing for pedestrians, light vehicles, and heavy vehicles, ensuring that routes are optimized based on the type of transportation.

Traffic-Aware Optimization

The API calculates routes that consider real-time traffic conditions, helping to avoid delays and ensuring timely arrivals.

Scheduled Stops

Users can schedule stops for various needs, such as pickups, work orders, and deliveries, within predefined time windows.


Esri’s pricing model is credit-based, with each functionality consuming a specific number of credits per use. Here’s an overview of the pricing:

Free Developer Account

Credits: 50 credits per month

Usage: Free development and testing subscription

Production Use

Credits: Charges apply based on usage, with different functionalities requiring varying credits per number of hits

Pros and Cons

✅Ease of Use:
The API is user-friendly, making it accessible for developers of all skill levels.

✅Comprehensive GIS Tools: Esri offers a wide range of GIS tools that cater to various mapping and spatial analysis needs.

✅Map Creation: The platform excels in creating detailed and accurate maps.

❌Expensive: The cost of using Esri’s services can be high, especially for extensive or commercial use.

❌Learning Curve: There is a significant learning curve associated with mastering Esri’s tools and functionalities.

❌Pricing Issues: Some users have reported concerns with the clarity and predictability of Esri’s pricing structure.

Solve Routing and Navigation Challenges with Directions API

Finding the best Directions API depends on what you specifically need, how much you can spend, and your goals for your business. By comparing features, costs, and the pros and cons of each option, you can choose the best one to improve how you plan routes and run your operations smoothly.’s Directions API is a standout choice because it offers accurate navigation and lots of useful features, and it’s easy to connect with other systems. It’s especially good at handling complex routes, making sure you follow all the rules, and giving you detailed reports on performance. That’s why in 2024,’s Directions API  is the top pick for businesses looking to upgrade their route planning.

About Author

Rishabh Singh

Rishabh Singh is a Freelance Technical Writer at He specializes in Programming, Data analytics and technical consulting, turning complex tech into clear and engaging content.

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