About the Company

Ferryscanner is an online booking and search engine that enables users to compare routes, prices, and ferry companies across destinations in Greece and 24 other countries. With a focus on providing the most affordable ferry tickets and convenient routes, Ferryscanner has successfully served over 500K customers to date.

The Problem

As Ferryscanner planned to expand its services beyond Europe to regions like Singapore, they encountered significant challenges with their existing map providers. The primary issue was related to pricing—the pricing plans offered by their previous providers were not scalable for Ferryscanner’s growing business needs. Additionally, Ferryscanner required customized map tiles to visually demonstrate connections between ports, a feature their current provider could not efficiently support.

The Solution

NextBillion.ai provided Ferryscanner with a tailored solution to address these challenges. The key features of NextBillion.ai’s offering included:

  • Cost-Effective Map Tiles: A pricing structure aligned with Ferryscanner’s growth, offering a competitive rate for vector/static tiles usage.
  • Faster Map Loads: Static maps that are lightweight and quick to load, enhancing the user experience across Ferryscanner’s apps and websites.
  • Immersive Map Experiences: Features such as smooth zooming, panning, and customizable layers integrated seamlessly into Ferryscanner’s platform.
  • Mobile-Optimized Maps: Simplified, mobile-friendly maps that highlight key areas of interest, providing a seamless user experience.


“We were unhappy with the pricing from big players in this space and needed a scalable alternative that offered customizability. NextBillion.ai’s Maptiles API was exactly what we were looking for. For companies in the ferry and nautical map domain, we’d highly recommend NextBillion.ai.”

The Outcome

The integration of NextBillion.ai’s APIs led to several positive outcomes for Ferryscanner:

  • Enhanced User Experience and Brand Identity: The customized map tiles improved the overall user experience, making Ferryscanner’s platform more engaging and intuitive.
  • Seamless Integration: NextBillion.ai’s solutions were integrated smoothly into Ferryscanner’s infrastructure, ensuring minimal disruption to their operations.
  • Operational Efficiency: The solutions provided by NextBillion.ai enhanced Ferryscanner’s ability to manage their operations efficiently without compromising on performance.
  • Transparent Pricing: The fixed pricing model allowed Ferryscanner to focus on their operations without concerns about unexpected costs.

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